Fireglass is hotter than fire itself!
Fireglass Fire Pits and fireplaces have sizzled this year as one of the top additions to many restaurants, hotels, commercial offices and residential homes.
Imagine sitting by the fire on a beautiful evening with your family and friends, taking in the marvelous sunset during the golden hour, or under the stars on a full moon with your favorite beverage.

Seems like seem like the perfect evening? You bet it is! When you have a fire pit outdoors, all this is possible. According to industry experts, landscaping professionals and land developers having a fire pit not only adds to the “Wow” factor to your home but also adds to the value of the real estate. In addition, fireglass fire pits are a hot commodity in the eyes of today’s top home and garden designers. They are trending not just in homes, but also for commercial offices, restaurants and hotels.
If you desire one of these fantastic additions to your home, then there are a few things to know first:
– Three main kinds of fire pits
- – Two kinds of fireglass used in fire pits/fireplaces
- – Three kinds of fire pits depending on use
- – Three kinds of fire pits according to material used to construct them
- – Six kinds of fire pits based on types of fuel used Fire pits depending on size
Let us discuss all these points in detail below, which would help you be make your best buying decision.
The three main types of fire pits
The three main types of decorative-cum-utilitarian structures are permanent and portable. Fixed fireplaces, the one Santa Claus comes down during Christmas, are more expensive. The good thing about these is most houses already have them which makes the transition to fireglass from fake logs very easy.
Check out our intro to Fire pits 2017 guide here.
If your existing fireplace does not have a gas connection or you do not have an existing fireplace, be prepared to shell out a large budget. Fire places can be quite expensive, however they make a grand statement and will be customized with the design of your house. The also look stunning when fireglass finishing touch is added. In addition to the costs, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations from the local fire agencies.
Portable fire pits, as the name suggests, are portable in nature. These are made to be as lightweight as possible out of ceramic composites or lightweight concrete deposits. They usually run off of a portable propane or natural gas tank, however it will look much better if you can connect them to an existing gas line at your house.
The third fire application is the fixed fire pit. These are the most common fire applications in backyards of homes, restaurants, commercial offices, and hotels. They are built to be permanent with a number of different materials such as brick, concrete, rock, and a number of geological sediments such as flagstone or slate. Regardless if you plan on creating a fireplace, portable fire pit, or a fixed fire pits, each will look amazing with Exotic Pebbles natural collection fireglass or reflective fireglass.
Using Fireglass with three kinds of fire pits depending upon locations and business
Fire pits may not only be where you want to roast your marshmallows like your are on a campout, however the flames coming through the cracks and reflecting off of the beautiful fireglass surface will captivate everyone in it’s vicinity. These can also serve other utilitarian functions:
Fire pits as decoration: If the fire pit is more ornately and modern in design, it can serve as a beautiful piece of decoration. This use is commonly associated with hotels and commercial offices because most people will simply be passing through rather than enjoying the fireplace as a hangout spot. If your building has enough space, then this type can be perfect for you. Highly creative and artistic fire pits will increase the value of the building substantially along with the value of tenants and rent. Also using a low maintenance and highly attractive/aesthetically pleasing fire pit filler like Exotic Pebbles Reflective Fireglass will turn heads and be memorable to clients of your tenants. Their clients will be thinking, “Where is their office again? Oh ya it’s in that one building with the sparkly fire pits in front by the main entrance”. Remember that the next time your are showing your building to a potential leasing tenant.
Fire pits as furniture: Many of these items serve as tables and even sitting stools. Fire pits are generally constructed to be of bar high or as high as a table, or can be created to be almost close to the ground. This makes them easy to sit down on, or to keep your foods and drinks on them. Many restaurants choose to use these in the front where they have foot traffic to attract passers by to come in and enjoy a drink or dinner. It is proven that that restaurants with pleasing aesthetic design and features like fireglass fire pits increase business by 30% more than ones without. Pairing a fire pit with dazzling fireglass is the icing on the cake. Keep that in mind next time you are debating on a redesign.

Fire pits as a gathering spot: There are fire pits which are designed in a way that you can have friends and loved ones sit around them an enjoy the ambiance. These types of fire pits are commonly used at restaurants and residential homes. The fire pits are usually fixed and designed in a round or quadrilateral shape with seating around it in a similar shape. Since most of these fire pits or fireplaces will be lit at night, we recommend using our Reflective Fireglass at restaurants and our natural fireglass at your homes.

4 kinds of fire pits according to material used to make it
You can have your fire pits to be made from a wide variety of materials such as aluminium, copper, cat iron and fireglass. Here are the benefits of each of these materials:
Aluminium: This lightweight metal is not a good conductor of heat like other metals. Does that sound like a disadvantage? Perhaps, but it is in reality aluminium’s greatest strength. Because it is a poor conductor of heat, you have far less chance of getting the pit getting damaged by fire. Aluminium is affordable, light in weight and durable. If you have children and pets at your home, having a fire pit made from this metal may be your best bet. Fireglass conducts more heat than ceramic logs and lava rock so it will be heated by the aluminum more than sand or rocks to produce more than enough heat for you and your guests
Cast Iron: This is a good conductor of heat, is sturdy and quite cost effective. Now, since it conducts heat well you may need to be extra careful. For instance, you should not be placing items on cast iron fire pits which can easily catch flames.
Copper: This is yet another metal which is a popular material for making both permanent and lightweight fire pits. While it is more expensive than cast iron, the fact that it develops a patina over time and has a nice color more than makes up for the downside. If you have a nice budget with which to splurge on, a copper fire pit can be your ideal pick. Copper mixed with Exotic Pebbles Copper Reflective Fireglass creates a winning combination if you decide to go this route.
Six types of fire pits based on fuel
Perhaps you are thinking that only wood or coal is used to fuel the pits. You’re not wrong in that, but today other fuel sources are used too, which has more significant benefits. In choosing a suitable fuel, you may look into environment concerns, your monthly budget, the type of fire pit and safety issues. Now, without any further ado, let us delve into the different fuel choices for your pit.
Wood is the tradition choice for many reasons. First of all, it is easily available. Secondly, it is more economic than other sources of fuel. Thirdly, it gives off a lot of heat, a fact that makes this a prime choice for those long winter months. The downside is that burning wood is not exactly good for the environment. The likelihood of it causing a fire hazard is also drastically more than other fuels. However, if this is indeed your choice of fuel source, understand that there may be certain rules and regulations from the local authorities. For instance, you may not have a fire pit burning on wood within certain distances from your house, from the fence and from the neighbor’s home, and in some areas you can only have seasonal wood fires because of the pollution it creates.
Propane gas is a better choice than wood in many ways. For one, propane gas can be fed just with a removable tank. This is also better than natural gas as a fuel because in the case of natural gas, you need to make a line, which costs a lot. Propane gas as fuel for your fire pit is cost effective, but you still have to watch out of its current market price. In addition, propane gas tanks need to be taken to refilling stations to ensure that they are safe or not.
Natural gas as a fuel source is indeed more expensive. It costs considerably to lay a natural gas pipeline just for the fire pit. However, this downside is also an advantage. While it costs a lot to lay a natural gas pipeline, this initial high cost pays off in the long run. The costs of running such a fire pit is much lower over time when compared with other fuels. Another upside is that it is easy to light a fire on natural gas.
Charcoal: This is also a cost effective fuel solution for your fire pit. Charcoal is easily available as well. The downside is that it creates considerable smoke and soot, which requires you to do considerable cleanup after you have had your fun. This fuel works best over fire pits which you may want to have a barbecue.
Flammable gel: Flammable gels are easy to apply. These are highly portable and therefore ideal to work with your portable fire pits. You need to be cautious while applying it. Perhaps the only downside is that unless you apply the gel evenly over the surface, you may not have a proper fire. While the gel may be flammable, it may not spread evenly on the surface.
Bio fuels: This can be the cheapest of the fuel sources and is easily available. It is not used much but is still a viable option.
Natural Gas and Propane are the only types of fuel acceptable when using fireglass as a design feature. This is perfect for many reasons being that all other fuel sources have way too many negatives than positives when using it for the reasons we wish to use them for. We highly recommend you stay away from all other fire pit and fireplace fuels to keep costs low, maintenance low, and your assets safe! To read more about using either propane or natural gas as a fuel source, please check out our past blog post where we discuss the pros and cons of each.
Fire pits depending on size
Depending on the space around your home, especially in your backyard, you can have a fire pit built or bought. These come in various sizes. Needless to say, if you want a portable fire pit you don’t want to go with a huge one. Small sized fire pits come in sizes of 20-25 inches. These are generally round in shape for better handling and are ideal for small yards and patios. The large fire pits come in sizes of 45 inches and beyond. If you have a large space in your yard, go with the latter. Good thing Exotic Pebbles and Glass has a huge selection of fireglass and fire accessories that are easy to install your propane or natural gas fire application.
Top trends and installation of fireglass fire applications for 2017
Now that we know which types of fireglass fire pits there are, it remains to know how to set it up perfectly. In this section, we shall tell you just that!
Which is the best part of your house to set it up at?
In most places, the rule is to have a pit installed at least at a distance of 10 feet from your home and from the neighbor’s grounds. Some areas do not require you to have a building or installation permit, while other places need permits from the local authorities. This is especially true if you reside in the USA. There are some US states with their own regulations which require additional site inspections to ensure safety for all concerned. Just having a fire pit at a proper distance from your home is not enough. It remains to be seen if it near to any overhanging branches, to trees, fences etc. There are some places in the USA where fire pits are not allowed at all. It all depends on your specific area.
What is the best platform to set it up at?
According to experts the best surfaces to set up your fire pit include stone slabs, bricks, slate, concrete, fire resistant surfaces etc. The more fire resistant it is, the better it is. If a surface is not so, it remains in the danger of getting significantly to completely damaged due to fire. Even the smallest ember may cause the worst of fires. If you are looking for a permanent fire pit, chose a surface made of gravel.

How to create the perfect ambience for your fireglass fire application?
Ambience is everything! After all, that is why you are setting up the fire pit, right? To create the right ambience, you need to look at the surroundings. You may chose to invest in simple solar lights which don’t require an electrician. Consider the addition of metal chairs as opposed to the wooden ones for obvious reasons. Alternatively, you can have stone platform build around the fire pit with space enough for maneuvering and safety.
Important safety tips for fireglass fire pits and fireplaces
Whether you are planning to install or develop a fireglass fire pit at your home, hotel or commercial office, there are some basic safety tips to keep in mind at all time.
When lighting a fire, know which way the wind is blowing. When it comes to lighting a fire, wind direction can make the difference in safety and harm.
There are two things you must never use in the vicinity of fireglass fire pits, or fire or any kind. These two things are flammable liquids and flammable clothing. These catch flames very fast.
There is a reason why people use old hardwood when it comes to lighting fires. These burn easily and nicely for a long time. In addition, these do not throw sparks. Always avoid softwood which does throw sparks that can prove to be dangerous to anyone sitting nearby.
Disposal of ashes is an issue. You need to do it safely each and every time.
Why are fireglass fire pits popular in 2017?
In recent years, fireglass fire pits have become very popular among home owners, hotel owners and office area developers. As a common benefit to all, these provide a place where families and friends can gather for a wonderful evening and providing the warmth of fire at a new “room” addition to your house. It is not necessarily hard to start a fire on these. Electric switches to start the fires have taken control of the market along with timers to make sure the fire is put out.
Buying and installing a fireglass fire application on the grounds require a fair bit of thinking, planning and budgeting. However, at the end of the day, these bring more benefits to the table. Here are the reasons why these are more popular than ever in 2017.
Per safety tips; check out our guide on how to install a gas burner here.
The operation of fireglass fire pits is not limited by the seasons like wood fire pits are. It will continue to function whether the season is summer or winter, spring or fall. Fireglass fire pits can also withstand most weather including snow and rain, depending upon how heavy this fall is. This creates the benefit of having a warm fire to gather around all throughout the year, a benefit which cannot be weighed by money. Fire pits also make your grounds very elegant, especially if complemented with a proper sitting area. It you are planning to have on at your hotel or commercial office, consider a round sitting structure made of stone.
Yet another benefit of having one on the grounds is that you can immediately warm up after having a dip at your pool. Of course, this works well if you in fact have a pool to start with. For best results, have a sitting wall constructed around the fireglass pit where bathers can come, sit and warm off against the flames. The idea of getting warmed and dried against the blazing flames is truly something.
A fireglass fire application can be the focal point of your grounds landscape. If you wish to have one installed at a hotel, on the office grounds or even at home, consider installing it so that the rest of the garden may seen to complement the fire pit. Place it on the centre of your grounds where it can be seen easily. Trust us; everyone would want to see it!
Fire pits and fireplaces add value to any property. This makes them an excellent for property development. The more you develop the property, its price rises due to the benefits presented. When you sell such a land, you get a considerable sum. Even if you do not wish to sell off such a land, especially if you are the owner of a hotel or office, having one of these can be used as a point of interest for the grounds. Let’s say that you are the owner or manager of a hotel. You decide to install one or more fixed fireglass fire pits on your spacious grounds. Now your guests or tourists can get the benefit of having their own private parties around the fires in evenings. As a hotel owner, you can choose to charge more for this premium service.
If you have one or more of these at a commercial office building, you can directly profit from them. This aesthetically pleasing feature will allow you to increase the amount of rent charged to tenants. These will serve as focal points that corporate companies will be recognized by when clients visit their offices. If one wishes to impress their clients, then having one or more fire pits can go a long way. Most multinational offices tend to have spacious grounds that have enough space for these fireglass application additions.
Fireglass fire pits specific benefits for Homes, Hotels and Commercial Offices
There are benefits to business which only a fireglass fire pit can produce. Real estate agents and commercial developers/renters love the value a simple fire pit feature can add to the property’s value. When they sell such a property, such structures can result in a surprising sum of money. However, hotel owners, office managers and home owners do not necessarily wish to sell their properties. If we take that as our working hypothesis, let us see what benefits are received by these specific property owners if they install fire pits.

Fireglass fire pits boost the value of your property. However, may not necessarily have monetary gains from this. Most of the time, people have these installed for the ambience only. Fire pits give a great place where families, friends and colleagues can gather for a wonderful evening. According to experts, one of the reasons for their popularity is because people are slowly drifting away from the outdoors, from a more natural setting. For this reason, they wish to develop the area around their home in a way that can help them to get a balance of indoor and outdoor life.
Commercial Offices
One specific benefit for offices is that you can use such structures to impress clients. Such outdoor structures can also prove to be areas around which you can have your official parties. Fire pits make your grounds look beautiful and also double up as places where your employees can unwind.
For hotels, installing fire pits can bring monetary benefits. These can add as added benefits for your hotel, places where your guests can have their own private barbecues.
Outdoor fireglass fire pits can be a visual delight to the eye. It can act at one of the most attractive feature of your home, office or hotel. In 2017, there are many kinds of such products you can have. These structures provide endless hours of fun, laughter and merriment around the blazing flames. At the end of the day, money falls low before such happiness.